Go Red for Women

Circle of Red

Join Us

Make it your mission to become a part of the Circle of Red. Your support, influence and gift will make a tremendous impact in the lives of so many women. Please contact Beth Amelon at Beth.amelon@heart.org or 515-414-3203 for more information on how you can join the Circle of Red.

Circle of Red Benefits

  • VIP seat at Go Red Dinner
  • Annual Necklace “slide/pin”
  • Invitation to participate in photo shoot
  • Exclusive year-round events
  • On-site recognition at Go Red Dinner
2017-2018 Circle of Red Members

Karen Bergan

Connie Biechler

Carol Bowers

Pam Elliot Cain

Ann Campbell

Leslie Christenson

Debra Fennelly

Emily Goodman

Deb Johnson

Tammy Koolbeck

Tara Pardue  Lackey

Jeani Lee

Beth Marrs

Ana McCracken

Mardy Medders

Erin Nelson

Karen Philips

Ellen Pollard

Jill Roof

Barb Sanderson

Jean Saveraid

Suzan Shierholz

Danielle Siefert

Karen Strehlow
